“Probama” WordPress theme

I find this to be an extremely clever use of open market resources. Category 4, a local web design and hosting firm (I worked with them when implementing the new Virginia Film Festival website) is offering a Barack Obama WordPress theme. Here is the message that went out from Cat4’s CEO:

In the past year Category 4 has been developing a lot of WordPress-based web sites for our clients. We recently decided to expand our reach by developing some free custom themes. Our first free theme, “Probama” went live for public download today. It’s a theme for bloggers who want to support Barak Obama and his campaign for President. In addition to a beautiful visual style, it includes some cool features, such as:

• Control panel options for Flickr, Youtube and Feedburner
• Subcategory dropdown menus
• Author-highlighting and gravatars in the comments section
• Custom archives page
• Latest-post highlighting on homepage
• Dynamic subpage menus
• RSS integration with BarackObama.com
• Additional print.css stylesheet

You can learn more about the theme and download it from the Cat4 site.

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